The Originals

Women Inspiring the Community and Creating History (WICCH) is a project of the Glenwood Lions Club, a Club that is located within the rural community of Tiaro Shire, Queensland. Tiaro Shire is 2196 sq kms with a population of 4861 people and is a district with a low socio-economic prole. Within this small, rural community we have many women who are involved in leadership and community building activities. These women currently are volunteers for a range of local community organisations ranging from School P&Cs, Fire Brigades, State Emergency Services, Sporting Clubs and Lions International.

At Glenwood Lions, we know that women play an important role in the community and this publication is dedicated to telling the stories of some of these women and to celebrate the achievements and commitment they make to our community on a daily basis. WICCH is not only dedicated to the women of this district but to the many thousands of women who make a difference to community life all over this great country every day of the week.


These are the original women featured in this series. Thank you for taking the time to read their stories and I hope they will inspire you the way they have inspired our community and also assist you to understand the incredibly vital role women play in shaping the future.