Linda Blowers

I am a solicitor specialising in Family Law disputes as well as a world-class, practical pistol shooter. I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a stepmother. I was born in New South Wales and lived, until the age of fifteen, in Clovass, northern New South Wales on a farm. I have two sisters and during our years on the farm, we would assist with whatever needed to be done including mustering cattle, watering small crops and assisting to pick and pack small crops as we were able.

In 1982 the family moved to Hervey Bay where I completed my High School education at Hervey Bay State High School. It was not always my dream to become a lawyer. At school, I was keenly interested in Maths/Science subjects and Music. I was extremely competitive and achieved Dux of my High School at Hervey Bay in 1984.

On leaving school I became a private music teacher and taught many children in Maryborough and Hervey Bay the organ for several years. I was also involved in music competitions, participating in local Eisteddfods and the local Yamaha Organ Competitions. In 1985/86 I became involved in a local club band as a keyboard player and about this time looked for some career direction. I chose law because my dad encouraged me to pursue this career and because I felt that I could help people, in some way, in this profession.

In 1987 I embarked on six years of external study through QUT to obtain my law degree. In 1988 I commenced with Neilson Stanton & Parkinson and in 1989 I became a wife and stepmother. I completed my law degree, graduating with Honours in April 1993 and was admitted to practice as a solicitor of the Supreme Court in June 1993.
In early 1993 I took up pistol shooting (IPSC) as a hobby. Initially, I was not very good at pistol shooting (to say the least) but after a couple of years, with much support and assistance from local pistol club members, I was starting to become a competitive pistol shooter in the discipline of IPSC.

In 1997 I competed in my first IPSC Nationals in Perth. Since that time my husband, stepdaughter and I have travelled all over Australia to compete in State and National Titles. I started to train seriously in my sport and by 1999 I had achieved the Australian Open Ladies Title in IPSC. In 2000 I successfully defended my title and managed to win the title again in 2003 and in 2007. This involved a lot of hard work and training whilst maintaining a full-time job as a Family Law solicitor.

In 1999 I commenced international competition in IPSC and travelled to the Philippines to compete in my first World Championship; finishing ninth lady. Since 1999 I have competed in the World Championships every three years, travelling to South Africa and Ecuador to compete.

In the last World Championship held in Ecuador in 2005, I finished third Open Lady in the World. My greatest achievement to date; however, has been winning the Ladies Open Match at the US National Titles in 2003. Unfortunately, because I was not a US resident, I could not hold the title.

2001 was probably the most challenging year in my sport. In that year my step-daughter Karla won the Australian Ladies Open Title and I was relegated to second place. I was so proud that Karla had achieved this level at such a young age but at the same time was disappointed in my own shortcomings. I must say that in this year I learnt a lot about myself and my ability to accept challenges and be supportive of others.

In 2002 I found myself once again engaged in study, this time to complete the requirements for recognition as an accredited Family Law Specialist. In January 2006, I was offered the opportunity to become a partner of the firm and I accepted this opportunity. Now I am a partner at Neilson Stanton & Parkinson, specialising in Family Law. I train in the gym four days per week after work to maintain my fitness and strength in order to pursue my sporting goals. I have learnt to deal with the pressures of working as a lawyer and the pressures of being involved in a competitive sport at an international level.

I have also learnt to balance my own needs in the sporting arena against the needs of my family and have hopefully assisted and supported both my step-daughter and my husband in their sporting goals and ambitions. At times it has been challenging trying to fit in everything that I need to do in my work and sport in the time that I have available. Probably my greatest shortcomings are my inability to say “no” to tasks that are asked of me and my inability to just relax and do nothing.

It has always been my belief that if you focus on what you want to achieve and truly believe in yourself, you can achieve your goals. I believe that my study in this regard has helped me to achieve the things that I have accomplished to date and will help me to achieve my goals in the future.

I continue to pursue my sporting goals in IPSC and strive to win a World Title. Not only is my sport a release from the stresses and pressures of work as a lawyer, but I have been fortunate enough to have made friends through my sport throughout the world. I will not be a lawyer forever but for now, it is my contribution to assisting others and provides the income I need to strive after my sporting pursuits.”